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  • hammeljonathan

Martin Winckler: doctor an writer extraordinaire.

Martin is a writer (author of 20 novels, including "La Maladie de Sachs," "Le chœur des femmes," "L’école des soignantes," "Les brutes en blanc," and many more), as well as a writer of tales, short stories, essays on healthcare and popular culture, scientific articles, a lecturer, and a translator of novels and comic books.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Tours and practiced as a general practitioner in Sarthe from 1982 to 1993. During this time, he published his first novel, "La vacation," with POL in 1989.

From 1993 to 2008, he worked as a physician attached to the Women's Health and Family Planning Service at the Le Mans hospital. In 2009, after receiving a research fellowship at the Center for Research on Ethics at the University of Montreal, he immigrated to Quebec with his family.

Since then, he has been a speaker on the subject of biomedical ethics, as well as a professor of creative writing and a workshop leader for medical students at the universities of Montreal, McGill, and Ottawa.

He holds a medical doctorate since 1982 and a master's degree in bioethics from the University of Montreal since 2015.

He has been described as an engaged, feminist, and activist physician who has always been dedicated to individual freedom.

Since 2004, he has run "winckler’s webzine," a website dedicated to information about contraception and criticism of the healthcare system. He is also the creator of a literary blog ("cavalier des touches") and a medical blog ("l’école des soignant.e.s").

You can reach him at

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